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The Glories of Mary by Saint Alphonsus Liguori

The Glories of Mary

Of the many excellent works written by the great Theologian and Saint Alphonsus Liguori, "The Glories of Mary" provides a deep and inspiring commentary on the Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen) and discourses on Our Lady's special virtues, principal feasts and certain other devotions and practices including reflections on each of the seven dolors of Mary. The holiness and purity of the truth contained within this book cannot but help elevate the soul and increase the love we have for our Blessed Mother and Queen, and the desire to be firmly devoted to her in order to draw close to Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Souls are gradually instructed of the great necessity we have for our Lady and the following quote from Saint Alphonsus sufficiently sums this up: -
"That it is most useful and holy to have recourse to the intercession of Mary can only be doubted by those who have not faith. But that which we intend to prove here is, that the intercession of Mary is even necessary to salvation; we say necessary— not absolutely, but morally. This necessity proceeds from the will itself of God, that all graces that he dispenses should pass through the hands of Mary, according to the opinion of St. Bernard, and which we may now with safety call the general opinion of theologians and learned men."

This book is in the public domain and can be downloaded for free as part of the Catholic eBooks Project at the link below: 

Saints Quotes on Our Lady 

"Men do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary." St. Bonaventure

"Mary having co-operated in our redemption with so much glory to God and so much love for us, Our Lord ordained that no one shall obtain salvation except through her intercession." St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

"Unless our Lady was in us: many dangers would have overtaken us" Saint Bonaventure

"We never give more honour to Jesus than when we honour his Mother, and we honour her simply and solely to honour him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek - Jesus, her Son." Saint Louis Marie de Montfort

 "Those who trust in thee, O Mother of God: shall not fear at the face of the enemy."  Saint Bonaventure

 "Be diligent in prayer to Mary: and she will raise up for you eternal delights."  Saint Bonaventure

 "As many creatures as there are who serve God , so many they are who serve Mary; for as Angels and men and all things that are in Heaven and on earth, are subject to the empire of God, so are they also under the dominion of Mary."  Saint Bernardine of Sienna

"When the Blessed Virgin conceived the Eternal Word in her womb, and brought him forth, she obtained half the Kingdom of God, so that she is Queen of  mercy as Jesus is King of Justice."  Saint Thomas Aquinas

"As she then co-operated by her love in the birth of the faithful to the life of grace, she became the spiritual Mother of all who are members of the one Head, Christ Jesus."  Saint Augustine

"Let us then cast ourselves at the feet of this good Mother, and embracing them, let us not depart until she blesses us and thus accepts us for her children" Saint Bernard

"Mary is that happy Ark in which those who take refuge will never suffer the shipwreck of eternal perdition." Saint Bernard

“The greatest saints, those richest in grace and virtue will be the most assiduous in praying to the most Blessed Virgin, looking up to her as the perfect model to imitate and as a powerful helper to assist them.” Saint Louis Marie de Montfort

"There is no propitiation to be found without her: nor salvation apart from her fruit." Saint Bonaventure

 "Let all tribes and tongues praise thee: because by thee salvation is restored to us." Saint Bonaventure)

"O man, whoever thou art, understand that in this world thou art tossed about in a stormy and tempestuous sea, rather than walking on solid ground; remember that if thou wouldst avoid being drowned, thou must never turn thine eyes from the brightness of this star, but keep them fixed on it and call on Mary. In dangers, in straits, in doubts, remember Mary, invoke Mary." Saint Bernard

"Blessed be thou, O Lady, who teachest thy servants to fight: and strengthenest them against the enemy." Saint Bonaventure

"As breathing is not only a sign but even a cause of life, so the name of Mary which is constantly found on the lips of God's servants, both proves that they are truly alive, and at the same time causes and preserves their life, and gives them every succour. " Saint Germanus


The Seven Dolors of Mary

We should meditate daily on the sorrows of Mary for this will greatly please the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The devotion of  the Seven sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary may be found at the following link: - 

Approved Marian Apparitions

Our Lady of Fatima


Our Lady of Fatima, we your children, cry out to you in these dark times for the Church and the world, entrusting ourselves completely to your Motherly protection. O Glorious and Blessed Mother we offer up our prayers and sacrifices to Jesus through your Immaculate Heart for the conversion of Russia, for sinners throughout the Church and the world and for the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.

Our Father,
Hail Mary,
Glory be etc.

On the 13th May 1917, Our Lady appeared to three children; Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta in a small village in Fatima, Portugal.

The visitations to these blessed children from the most resplendent Queen of Heaven occurred on the 13th day of each month for six consecutive months culminating in a spectacular Miracle of the sun witnessed by over 70,000 people on October 13th. 

Our Lady delivered a series of messages not just intended for the children but for the Church and for the wider world. These powerful messages from Heaven include stark warnings for mankind if it continues in its impenitence. 

"You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a light illumined by an unknown light, kn ow that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for it's crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world." (Words spoken by Our Blessed Mother to the three children at Fatima)

Summary of Our Lady of Fatima's Message to the world

Punishment of the World: The Blessed Mother can no longer restrain the hand of her Divine Son from striking the world with a just punishment for its many crimes. 

Amendment of Life: I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord Who is already too much offended.

Five Warnings: 

If my requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. Many good people will be martyred, there will come another great war, and various nations will be annihilated.

War: Wars are a punishment for the sins of mankind. Sins of the Flesh: More souls go to Hell because of the sins of the flesh than for any other reason.

Immodest Fashions: Certain fashions are being introduced that offend Our Lord very much. Sinful Marriages: Many Marriages are not good, they do not please Our Lord and are not of God.

Daily Rosary: Say the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world, and after each decade say the following prayer: - "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of thy mercy."

Prayer and Sacrifice: Pray, pray a great deal, and make sacrifices for sinners, for may souls go to Hell, because they have no-one to make sacrifices and pray for them.

Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.

First Saturday Devotion: I promise to help at the hour of death with the graces needed for salvation those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the mysteries, with the intention of making reparation to My Immaculate Heart.

World Peace: Tell everybody, that God gives his graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask graces from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her....In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.

The Seven Fatima Prayers

The two prayers taught by the Angel:

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in Thee, do not adore Thee, do not hope in Thee, do not Love Thee."

"Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly and I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the same Son Jesus Christ, present in the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for all the sacrileges, outrages and indifferences by which He Himself is offended. And by the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.”

The three prayers taught by Our Lady:

"O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee; my God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament."

"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need."

"O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer this sacrifice to Thee."

The two prayers taught by Our Lord:

"Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world."

"By Thy pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain for me the conversion of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world."

In the year 1531 at Guadalupe, Mexico, a truly remarkable series of events occurred that culminated in the conversion of over 6 Million Aztecs to the Catholic faith in a relatively short period of time . Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego, a humble native Mexican  as the Woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet (as depicted in the book of Genesis) and has left us with this truly awe inspiring image imprinted on his tilma. This miraculous image continues to excite wonder to this day, as revealed and scrutinised by the technological advancements of today.

Our Glorious Blessed Mother has that effect and is truly capable of converting hearts if only souls would seek her, listen to her, trust her in order to find God and salvation for their souls.

"Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you." (Words spoken by Our Blessed Mother at Guadalupe)

Refer to link below for some amazing facts about our Lady of Guadalupe

FOR PRIVATE DEVOTION ONLY Our Lady of Guadalupe, we your children, cry out to you in these dark times for the Church and the world, entrusting ourselves completely to your Motherly protection.  O Glorious and Blessed Mother we offer up our prayers and sacrifices to Jesus through your Immaculate Heart for the preservation of all life from natural conception until true death.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be etc.

FOR PRIVATE DEVOTION ONLY Our Lady of Lourdes, preserved Immaculate from all stain of sin, we your children, cry out to you in these dark times for the Church and the world, entrusting ourselves completely to your Motherly protection.  O Glorious and Blessed Mother we offer up our prayers and sacrifices to Jesus through your Immaculate Heart for all those suffering great trials and tribulations, sickness in body mind and soul and in desperate need of your healing.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be etc.

On the 11th February 1858, Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous (aged 14 years), at the grotto at Massabiel, Lourdes. This was to mark the beginning of a series of visions, 18 in all, from Our Blessed Mother between the early spring and summer of 1858. Bernadette described the Lady as young and exceedingly beautiful but was unsure who the Lady was until Our Blessed Mother eventually revealed her true identity when she proclaimed, "I am the Immaculate Conception".... What great joy for the Church as Our Lady had therefore ratified from Heaven what was proclaimed 4 years earlier by the Holy Father Pius IX when he declared infallibly the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

On the 25th February 1858, Our Lady asked Bernadette to "Go and wash and drink in the spring". There was no apparent spring there until Bernadette dug into the mud with her hands and the miraculous spring gushed forth.

The whole episode of Our Lady of Lourdes has brought great joy to the faithful and is truly remarkable in every sense. Lourdes continues to profoundly affect the lives of many today with an estimated total of 200 million visitors to Lourdes since 1860.

Of the many inexplicable cures and healings wrought from the spring there have been 69 officially recognised and designated by the Church as miraculous. 

On the evening of 21st August 1879, Our Lady, St Joseph, and St John the Evangelist appeared in a globe of Heavenly light at the gable end of the local Catholic parish Church in the small village of Knock, Ireland. The witnesses also saw behind and to the left of St John, adoring angels hovering above a plain altar with a lamb on it in front of a cross.

  The Apparition was witnessed by fifteen people including men, women and children whose ages ranged from six years to seventy five. They described the Blessed Virgin Mary as being clothed in white robes and having a brilliant crown on her head. She wore a beautiful full-bloom golden rose over the forehead where the crown fitted the brow. Her eyes and hands were raised to Heaven in an attitude of prayer. St Joseph, also wearing white robes, stood to the right of Our Lady and turned towards her in an attitude of respect. On Our Lady's left was St John,  who resembled a Bishop, dressed in white vestments with a small mitre. He held an open book in his left hand and appeared to be preaching.

The Apparition was silent and lasted for several hours in the pouring rain and although the witnesses themselves were soaked while reciting the Rosary, not a single drop of rain fell on the Heavenly Vision.


Our Lady of Knock, we your children, cry out to you in these dark times for the Church and the world, entrusting ourselves completely to your Motherly protection.  O Glorious and Blessed Mother we offer up our prayers and sacrifices to Jesus through your Immaculate Heart for Our Holy Father and all Bishops and priests and for the preservation of the Holy Catholic Faith that has been extinguished in so many lapsed souls.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be etc.

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

On the 18th July 1830 in the chapel of the Mother-House of the Daughters of Charity, Rue du Bac, Paris,  Our Lady first appeared to sister Catherine Laboure. Our Blessed Mother appeared and seated herself on the left side of the sanctuary and told sister Catherine that she would be charged with a mission and that she would have many trials in fulfilling it. The Blessed Virgin foretold the evil events that would come on France, and that the whole world would be in sorrow. This was to be the first of three apparitions to sister Catherine culminating in the manifestation of the Miraculous medal.

The second apparition happened on the 27th November of the same year, the eve of the first Sunday in advent. Our lady appeared next to a picture of St Joseph, having indescribable beauty and clothed in a robe the colour of auroral light. Her feet were resting on a globe and her hands were raised slightly above the waist while gracefully offering up another globe to Our Lord, her eyes raised to heaven. Our lady wore rings made of precious stones in which rays of light emanated, symbolising the many graces Mary Immaculate bestows on those who ask for them.
An oval frame then surrounded the Blessed Virgin and the words in golden letters appeared "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee"

The picture turned and the reverse bore the letter M surmounted by a cross, having a bar at its base and beneath the monogram of Mary were the hearts of Jesus and Mary, the first surrounded with a crown of thorns, the other transpierced with a sword. Our lady asked Sister Catherine to have a medal struck from this model.

The third apparition happened on December of the same year and Our Lady appeared as before but this time she passed before the image of St Joseph and to the rear of the tabernacle. Our Blessed Mother again told sister Catherine to have the medal struck from this model.

The First medals were stuck on June 30th 1832 and spread rapidly throughout France and the world due to the many miraculous cures in both body and soul wrought through them. Sister Catherine was declared Venerable by Pius X on December 11, 1907 and declared a Saint by Pius XII on July 27, 1947.

Refer to link below for additional detailed information from project Gutenberg's The manifestation of the Miraculous Medal.


Our Lady of the Miraculous medal, we your children, cry out to you in these dark times for the Church and the world, entrusting ourselves completely to your Motherly protection.  O Glorious and Blessed Mother we offer up our prayers and sacrifices to Jesus through your Immaculate Heart for all souls to have recourse to you as Mediatrix of all graces, that they may enjoy thy holy protection and share in thy heavenly riches.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be etc.

Praise to the Most Holy Trinity for the Glories of Mary 


Eternal Glory, Honour, thanks and Praise to Our God

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Father, Son & Holy Ghost,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Who created the heavens

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and all living things on the earth

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and under the earth

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;


The fishes in the sea,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the birds of the air;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

You chose Mary,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

from amongst the works of Your Hands

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

a rare flower without spot or stain

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

an Immaculate dwelling place

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Holy and pure from the moment of Her birth

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and you sent the angel Gabriel;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

to deliver your message of joy

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Hail Mary full of grace

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

The Lord is with Thee

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Your Holy Spirit led Mary

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

to visit Her cousin Elizabeth in her need;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Elizabeth was filled with Your Holy Spirit

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And cried out with joy

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

as the child leapt in her womb

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Blessed art Thou amongst woman

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Your Holy Church added to that prayer

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Holy Mary Mother of God,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Pray for us sinners,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Your angel was sent before You,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

sanctified in his mother’s womb.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

To prepare a way for the coming of the Lord

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Before returning home      

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Joseph was reassured by the angel’s words

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

That which is conceived within Her is of the Holy Ghost

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And She shall bring forth a Son:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And thou shalt call His name Jesus.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Joseph did what the angel commanded

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and took unto him Mary his wife

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Mary brought forth a Son,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

The King of Kings,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

The Lord of Lords,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

A saviour unto mankind,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And named Him Jesus,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

A name that is above all other names

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

So that every knee should bow,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

In heaven and on earth

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And under the earth,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and that every tongue should confess,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

that the Lord Jesus Christ,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Is in the Glory of God the Father.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And there were in the same country shepherds watching,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

keeping the night watches over their flock.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the brightness of God shone round about them

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and they feared with a great fear. 

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And the angel said to them:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Fear not; for, behold

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

I bring you good tidings of great joy,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

That shall be to all the people:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

For, this day, is born to you a Saviour

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And this shall be a sign unto you.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and laid in a manger.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And suddenly there was with the angel

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

a multitude of the heavenly army,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

praising God, and saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Glory to God in the highest;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and on earth peace to men of good will.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And it came to pass,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

after the angels departed from them into heaven,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

The shepherds said one to another:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Let us go over to Bethlehem,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And let us see this word that is come to pass,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

which the Lord hath shewed to us.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And they came with haste;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and they found Mary and Joseph,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the infant lying in the manger.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And seeing, they understood of the word

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

that had been spoken to them concerning this child.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And all that heard, wondered;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and at those things that were told them by the shepherds.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

But Mary kept all these words,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

pondering them in her heart.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And the shepherds returned,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

glorifying and praising God,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

for all the things they had heard and seen,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

as it was told unto them.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And after eight days were accomplished,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

that the child should be circumcised,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

His name was called JESUS,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

which was called by the angel,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

before he was conceived in the womb.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And after the days of Her purification,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

according to the law of Moses, were accomplished,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

they carried him to Jerusalem,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

to present him to the Lord:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

As it is written in the law of the Lord:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Every male opening the womb shall be called holy to the Lord:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And to offer a sacrifice,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

according as it is written in the law of the Lord,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And behold there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and this man was just and devout,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

waiting for the consolation of Israel;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the Holy Ghost was in him.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And he had received an answer from the Holy Ghost,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

that he should not see death,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

before he had seen the Christ of the Lord.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And he came by the Spirit into the temple.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And when his parents brought in the child Jesus,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

to do for him according to the custom of the law,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

He also took him into his arms,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and blessed God, and said:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

according to thy word in peace;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Because my eyes have seen thy salvation,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

A light to the revelation of the Gentiles,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the glory of thy people Israel.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And his father and mother were wondering at those things

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

which were spoken concerning him.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Behold this child is set for the fall,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and for the resurrection of many in Israel,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and for a sign which shall be contradicted;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And thy own soul a sword shall pierce,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

That, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And there was one Anna, a prophetess,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

she was far advanced in years,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And she was a widow until fourscore and four years;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;


who departed not from the temple,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

by fastings and prayers serving night and day.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Now she, at the same hour, coming in, confessed to the Lord;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and spoke of him to all that looked for the redemption of Israel.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And after they had performed all things

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

according to the law of the Lord,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

they returned into Galilee, to their city Nazareth.


And the wise men followed the star

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the star went before them

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And stood over where the Child was

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And entering into the house

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

They found the Child Jesus,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

With Mary His Mother.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And falling down they adored Him;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And opening their treasures,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

They offered Him gifts,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And behold an angel of the Lord

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

appeared to Joseph in his sleep,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And he was told to arise

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And take the Child and His Mother

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And flee into Egypt

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Until the death of Herod

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And behold an angel of the Lord

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

appeared to Joseph in his sleep

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And he was told to arise

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And take the Child and His Mother

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And go into the land of Israel

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And the Holy Family dwelt in Nazareth



Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And the child grew, and waxed strong,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

full of wisdom; and the grace of God was in him.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And his parents went every year to Jerusalem,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

at the solemn day of the pasch,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And when he was twelve years old,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And having fulfilled the days, when they returned,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and his parents knew it not. 

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And thinking that he was in the company,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

they came a day's journey,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And not finding him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking him. 

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and it came to pass, that, after three days,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

they found him in the temple,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

sitting in the midst of the doctors,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

hearing them, and asking them questions. 

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And all that heard him were astonished

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

at his wisdom and his answers.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Son, why hast thou done so to us?

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And he said to them: How is it that you sought me?

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

did you not know,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

that I must be about my father's business? 

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them. 

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And he went down with them,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And his mother kept all these words in her heart.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Jesus advanced in wisdom,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and age, and grace with God and men.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

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The Wedding at Cana

AND the third day, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and the mother of Jesus was there.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

They have no wine.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Jesus saith to her:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Woman, what is that to me and to thee?

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

my hour is not yet come.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

His mother saith to the waiters:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Now there were set there six waterpots of stone,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

containing two or three measures apiece.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

Jesus saith to them: Fill the waterpots with water.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And they filled them up to the brim.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And Jesus saith to them: Draw out now,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and carry to the chief steward of the feast.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And they carried it.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and knew not whence it was,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

but the waiters knew who had drawn the water;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

the chief steward calleth the bridegroom,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

And saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

But thou hast kept the good wine until now.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee;

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

After this he went down to Capharnaum,

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

He and his Mother, and his brethren, and his disciples:

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;

and they remained there not many days

Holy, Holy, Holy are You O Lord;


All Glory and Honour and praise

Be to the Most High God:

Father, Son and Holy Ghost

for the splendour and glories of Mary
